Corporate Farming

Corporate Farming dates back centuries and in 2001, the Pakistani government also started to incentivise corporate sized farms in the country. The need for sustainable food production, efficient water management, and better seed quality has been at an all-time high, especially faced with the imminent threat of food insecurity. Corporate Farming encompasses the whole of agricultural life cycle from seeds and cultivation, to modern machinery and chemicals. FonGrow aims to create large-scale farms all around the country dedicated to not only better food production and efficient water management, but also research and development of hybrid seeds and livestock and dairy farming.

Seed Research & Development

Quality seed is a prerequisite to realising the full benefit of good crop husbandry practices. Any weakness in terms of genetic purity or physical health may damage all investments and efforts made during the course of crop life. 62% of farmers’ seed requirement in Pakistan is met by the informal sector which is of low quality.
Consequently, farmers are unable to harness the full potential of their labour. FF is developing the capability to establish a state of the art research facility for development of seed varieties/ hybrids having high yield potential, better quality, resistance against pests and diseases and better adaptability in the changing climate. Necessary local and foreign collaborations are also being established.


Dairy sector plays an important role in the economy of Pakistan and the livelihood of its people. This comes naturally and as a side-necessity of farms. The value of milk alone exceeds the combined value of wheat, rice, maize and sugarcane in Pakistan. Besides providing milk and meat, it is also an important source for raw materials particularly for leather, carpet and woolen cloth industries. Pakistan’s dairy sector holds great promise for national economic development, export growth, food security and poverty alleviation.
Despite being the most lucrative livestock product, milk production is the least commercialized enterprise in the agricultural economy. FonGrow aims to utilize the potential of livestock by diversifying milk production, through establishment of large dairy & livestock farms alongside agri-farms that may utilize some of the latest management, feeding and milking technologies.

Food Processing, Supply, and Distribution

Pakistan has the distinction of being the 4th largest milk producer and 11th largest citrus producer in the world, besides producing over 30 varieties each of vegetables and fruits. There are 4x Special Economic
Zones within CPEC that are targeted at food processing. Allama Iqbal Industrial City, M3, Faisalabad is the nearest to Khanewal-Peerowal lands. Food processing plants of milk and fruits at the farms are subsequently being established to build on the successes of CAF.
FF already has number of food concerns on its list, which are dependent on the market for the provision of inputs/ raw materials. These can be provided by FonGrow farms keeping in view the demand and supply situation. Besides that FonGrow Farms will also aim to secure a contracted supply of inputs/ raw-materials it can utilize in its own system.

Agri-Advisory and Database

Farmers around the country don’t have access to many of the modern techniques and machinery that are being utilized around the world. The need for a place where small-scale farmers can come and learn more about how to increase their yields, take better care of their farms, and efficiently use water, is very high. FonGrow is providing advisory services to farmers all around Pakistan to help them get acquainted with modern techniques, machinery, and processes.
Along with this, FonGrow is also developing a database which will be available to members interested in the latest agricultural research and pattern of variable such as the weather, seasons, seeds, and soil classifications. Based on research from all around the world, this database will host a wealth of information that will lead to more efficient and sustainable farms around the country.

Technology & Agriservices

Technology affects many areas of agriculture, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and seed technology. Biotechnology and genetic engineering have resulted in pest resistance and increased crop yields.
Mechanization has led to efficient tilling, harvesting, and a reduction in manual labour. New-age technologies focus on robotics, precision agriculture, artificial intelligence, block chain technology and more.
The use of agricultural technology results in higher crop productivity, decreased use of water, fertilizer and pesticides, reduced impact on natural ecosystem and increased worker safety. Robotic technologies
enable more reliable monitoring and management of natural resources, such as air and water quality. Moreover, there is high demand for various agri-machines like… for the local farmer. FonGrow is capitalising on technological innovations not only to utilise them on its farms but also to sell it in the market on competitive rates, through an Agri-Services Company. Agri-machinery, fertilizer and pesticides, precision agriculture services based on drones (crop survey/ surveillance, spray and other uses) hold great promise besides providing agri-advice/ consultancy.